Determining the fit of your new space

As you prepare for your move into a smaller space, the first thing you need to assess the amount of space your current home has in comparison to the new home you are about to move into. If the entire living room will fit in the new, great, but how many closets are in...

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The importance of cleaning items prior to storage

In addition to handy mattress storage tips, you can also preserve furniture items from damage or mildew with a through cleaning prior to storing. Wipe down furniture tops and legs with an all-purpose spray Periodically dust furniture while in storage to avoid the...

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How to utilize self storage for appliances

Appliances are not inexpensive household items. They're costly expense, so if you've upgraded your appliances or are moving homes, then keeping the old appliances in seld storage is probably a wise idea-at least until your can arrange a buyer for them. Self storage is...

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Use your Tetris Skills

Even the smaller storage unit can hold a great deal, just make sure you use the space wisely which means packing things the way to the ceiling. Bringing in plywood to lay across several boxes can help stabilize layers as your stacking it up, and up! It will take the...

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Make an essentials box

Similar to having a carry-on when you board a plane. You are going to need certain things once you get to the new place and you don't want to have to sift through all boxes just to find your essentials like a toothbrush, an extra set of clothes, mobile phone charger,...

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Utilize an essential box

If you are moving electronics, the best and most protective boxes are the original boxes the items were purchased in.

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Wrap things well

Use paper and bubble wrap for anything fragile and make sure any liquids are stored in a tightly sealed container. You don't want the unpleasant surprise of opening a box only to find out the shampoo or the cologne has spilled all over clothing or cookware.

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Economize on space

Instead of having an individual box for everything, look for ways to utilize larger items such as suitcases and baskets to store smaller items. This will help to maximize the amount of floor and vertical space you have at your disposal.

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Perhaps the overarching message of all the other packing tips on this list is: Stay organized. The best way to stay organized is to keep track of what you have done and you plan to do.

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Be a smart packer

The bottom line is, smart packers have successful move. This means doing things like packing heavier items in small boxes and light items in even smaller boxes.

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