How to be a student packing pro

1. Be prepared and ensure you have all the packing equipment you require. You’ll likely need boxes, scissors, a pen, tape, and bubble wrap or paper. 2.If you have lots of textbooks, make sure to pack them flat to avoid damaging their spines. Also avoid filling...

How To Pack

1. Start early No matter how good you are, packing always takes longer than you think. Start two or three weeks before moving day. Pack items you use least first. I always start with china and books. 2. Pack strategically Mark the boxes you know you will need first...

What to do if you’re limited on Storage Space

Double Up on Racks: Double closet space by installing two rods across the same area. Hang tops on the upper rack, and use the lower rack for skirts and pants. Put Drawers in the Closet: Cloth pull- out bins come in a variety of size. Mount the soft - sided drawer in...

Have a safe move

1.- Invest in quality packing materials 2.- Keep weight in mind when packing your boxes. Have most boxes under 50 pounds versus large boxes to not injure your back 3.-Rent a dolley for easy transportation of heavy items 4.-Whear protective footwear with good grip 5.-...

How to store books

Books are heavy so use small cartons. Place in an upright position, alternating bound edge to open edge. Do not press against the exposed edges which mar the pages. Expensive, sentimental, or unusual books should be wrapped individually. You can buy boxes at Guardian...