Why do people keep so many belongigs?

If we ask storage operators what tenants store, you would be surprised by the answer. The range of items include 400 books, 200 albums, old furniture, old bikes, exercise barbells, tax papers, musicians equipment like drums, etc. Someone’s garbage is also...

End Emof month is always a busy time to move

Try to arrange your moving middle of the month since you will have an easier move since trucks and moving staff are more available. For example most rental moving vans and trucks are fully booked at the end of the month and so it is better to plan when it is not as...

Fall is coming

The daylight hours are slightly shorter, and the rain is coming back so please make sure all the kids are wearing visible coloured clothing, and if biking high vis vest and running lights. Safety is always a priority and at Guardian Storage, we also want to make sure...

Guardian Storage

Mount Pleasants Neighborhood self storage offers convenient local storage in the heart of Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasant is funk town in Vancouver and an electric mix of commercial and trendy retail shops. Tacofino’s 5th location is opening up this fall at the...