Property Insurance for your belongins

“Property” insurance, which includes insurance on homes and belongings, can protect you financially if your home, valuables, and other types of belongings are damaged. For example, if you insure your wedding ring and it is accidentally damaged, your...

How to recycle book

1.Donate books to people all over the world. 2.Donate books to your local library or friends of the library group. 3.Donate your books to a thrift shop. 4.Donte your books to another charity. 5.Donate your books to a church. 6.Release your books “into the...

What to do if you’re limited on storage space

Double up on racks: Double closet space by installing two rods across the same area. Hang tops on upper rack, and use the lower rack for skirts and pants. Put drawers in the closet: Cloth pull-out bins come in a variety of sized. Mount the soft-sided drawers in...