
Perhaps the overarching message of all the other packing tips on this list is: Stay organized. The best way to stay organized is to keep track of what you have done and you plan to do.

Be a smart packer

The bottom line is, smart packers have successful move. This means doing things like packing heavier items in small boxes and light items in even smaller boxes.

Label everything

When in doubt, always label things during a move. Better to go overboard on the labels than not know what you are putting into the truck or what box you are opening up once you get to the new place.

Organize things based on category

This is one tip you can’t do without. The best way to keep things manageable and to not get overwhelmed by the amount of organization it takes to pack up an entire household is to categorize your belongings based on use or location in the home. Some...

Be selective

A big mistake that many people make when moving is trying to take absolutely everything. Many people think that just because something was in location A, it automatically needs to be transported to location B. That’s not the case! Weed out the belongings that no...